About Great Quran Academy:
The main purpose of our Great Quran Academy is to provide a plate form of Quran learning for kids, adults and aged persons against the demand of Global Muslim community.
Our task is to enable the student in reading and recitation of Holy Quran with accurate pronunciation by using the concepts of Tajweed and Tarteel and also provide the basic teachings of Islam to those who don’t have any access or interaction with Muslim scholars and Islamic centres.
We are very pleased and feel proud to inform you that our Great Quran Academy has qualified, goal oriented faculty member who are fully committed, and have full command over the Subject with great sense of responsibility. We assure that our student will be able to recite the Holly Quran after the successful completion of the Courses.
We totally believe in the unity and oneness of Muslim Ummah as our basic sources of guidance are Quran and Hadith. That is why we want to clarify it in the very beginning that we don’t represent any school of thought.
Great Quran Academy is an efficient online institute of Quranic Education equipped with qualified and experienced staff dealing globally. We provide 3 days free trial classes to get experience of our command in this field. Our specialty is to provide most economic packages in today’s expensive market. Great Quran Academy is a unique source of Distance Quranic learning courses at your door steps including Holy Quran Learnings and basic education of Islam with the help of online learning tools that molded the ancient methods of teaching to the modern methods for the best understanding of our students throughout the globe.

Our Students of the Month
1st Position

Muhammad Ali from Canada
2nd Position

Mahad Ibrahim from Germeny
3rd position

Salar Attiq from Australia
Our Services
We provide our services at the door Steps of every Internet user having High speed Internet connection (DSL or Broadband) anywhere in the world at attractive packages. The list of complete courses offered by our institution are:
Quran Reading Education for Beginners, Tajwid Classes for Advance learners
Quran Translation, Basic Islamic teachings, Tuition services from 1st of 10th Standard
Memorization of Holy Quran Urdu Learning Classes

Our Tutors
We have the most competent, hardworking and intelligent tutors who have extra ordinary skills of Quranic education. Every staff member is
– Hafiz-e-Quran (Have memorized whole Qur’an)
– Well aware of rules of Recitation.
– University graduates in Islamic Studies.
– Well trained to teach Quran & Urdu online.
– Excellent command on Arabic, English and Urdu languages for the communication and deliverance of lectures to students.
– Highly motivated and
-understand the complexities of profession to attain highest desired results by maximum capacity utilization.